Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Survivor - In Surprise Move, Show Ends After 3 Eps [Reality]

In what is certainly a bold strategy by CBS, the network has decided to end this season of Survivor after only three tribal councils. Ok that's not true, but you know what, I wouldn't blame them. Reality TV is all about the characters, and since I literally hate every person on this season with the exception of the player sent home this week, posting a write up is pretty difficult. Lets see how far we get this week, but no promises.

The show started off by showing the aftermath of the last tribal council. With Shannon being voted out, the young guns tried to rationalize voting out a strong competitor by noting the increase unity the tribe will now have. Every young gun seemed on board with the exception of Naonka, and you know what, go figure. She hasn't had a good thing to say about anyone so far this season. Now, I definitely hate everyone on the young squad, every single one, but she is by far the worst. I fast forward every time she is talking to the camera, because if I hear one more "mmm hmm" or "no she didn't" I will attempt to swim in a river with my mouth open.

Meanwhile the old tribe went in search for food, found some monkeys, and Jimmy Johnson tried communicating with them. Things seemed to be going well but he mentioned , quite astutely, that he could be doing much better if he had Terry Bradshaw there to translate. Nice one Jimmy.

Then it was onto the challenge, which was close, but the young tribe came out on top despite holding on to the medallion of power. Since this will be the last Survivor post of the season, let me just say the people who come up with the challenges are ridiculously talented. In the many seasons of Survivor I've watched, there have been very few blowouts. Think about this season. There are a bunch of really old people who aren't especially bright trying to beat a group of young, sprite individuals. They shouldnt even be in the same game, yet each challenge has been very competitive. I'm amazed by this, and now you all can be too.

At tribal council, the old people decided Jimmy Johnson was the weak link and sent him home. I guess they didn't think everything through. Had they known the show was over once Jimmy left, maybe they would of cast their votes elsewhere. Then again maybe not, its hard to tell if old people ever know whats going on. See ya never Survivor.

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