Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chuck - No Surprise, It was Awesome [The GOAT]

Desperately wanting to avoid a second episode let down, Chuck was cooking with gas again this past Monday. We've already gone over this show's recipe for success, so let's see how it was applied this week.

First, let's get the whole spy mission thing out of the way because it doesn't really matter. Chuck and Sarah were out looking for smart bullets equipped with GPS navigation rumored to be sold on the black market. Sounds ridiculous, I know, but lets just say this was possible, and there was a bullet out there that could lock on to a person so that aiming wasn't necessary. My only issue with the episode is that when they showed someone actually shooting the bullets, the target was only five yards away. No need for TomTom bullets when the target is in the same room. I'm not buying unless you give me some space and let me see the bullet chase someone around a corner, ya know? Needless to say, I loved the idea. They end up retrieving the bullets, the world is safe, the good guys prevail, etc.

Now lets talk about the real goods. Chuck brought in some characters that weren't present in episode one. The first new face is the legend most people know as the Old Spice guy and dare I say......he was fantastic. He plays the role of stud. He is one of the random CIA employees of the Buy More and doesn't really factor into any of the story lines. It doesn't matter. They better keep his role limited otherwise he's going to swan dive all over the show.

Then there were the characters that have been in Chuck since the beginning but were absent in the first episode. Devin, Lester, and Jeff all made their triumphant returns and all had too many good moments to recount. It may seem like I exaggerate when speaking about Chuck, but it's actually a fact that every character on this show is likable. I couldn't remember the last time a show went perfect from the field in this category, so I went back to check the tapes. Turns out its the first of its kind. It is the chicken and the egg of television. This show could almost make LeBron look like a good dude.

Finally, we'll end with the LOST factor, where we highlight another reason why this show can satisfy any LOST fanatic. This week, lets talk about going multiple episodes without mentioning a story line. This season of Chuck seems to revolve around finding Mrs. Bartowski. This week they barely said a word about it. LOST invented the disappearing storyline routine. You could go weeks without learning anything about the hatch, or the others, or any other major questions and then bang, they launch right back into it. Expect Chuck to follow suit and at some point go right back into the hardcore search for Mama Bartowski without mentioning why they didn't bother looking for her in previous episodes. Its TV gold.

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