Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lone Star: Bitches be snoopin [Cancel Watch]

I gave this show some solid hate after the pilot episode, but it’s really not that bad. This episode starts out with Bob eloping to Vegas and marrying Lindsay. Now this dude has two wives, both in Texas, and is up to his ears deep in both of his cons. The interesting aspects of this episode surround the million dollar land purchase Bob made (both to keep the con going in Midland and to get things started on the wind farm project).

As is becoming the norm, there is drama between Bob and his dad. His pops seems like a sensitive little bitch to me. Stop getting pissed at your son over stupid shit. Be a man dammit. They straighten their shit out and get back to what they do best: conning these southern idiots out of their money. Bob & his pops work together to get Drew (Bob’s brother in law on the oil family side) to get his act together and in their corner, then use Drew as a prop to get the father in law behind the wind farm.

As Bob is away working on this Lindsay starts to realize Bob has no one to invite to the wedding, and after some prodding from her cunt mom, starts snooping around in Bob’s life. She looks at his high school yearbook and realizes he isn’t even in it. BFD I say, this piece needs to chill out.

On the oil/wind farm front, things are running smoothly. Bob’s dad, posing as the technical expert for the project, has been welcomed into the fold and been given an office. I’ve gotta say, the oldest son of the oil tycoon is clearly the sharpest of the bunch. He hasn’t ever trusted Bob, and would never have let any of this nonsense get started in the first place. The episode end with Bob's dad sneaking into the offices to look at some financial statements, then calling up his boy and saying he needs his help to rob the place.

Before I end this post, I want to make a parallel between someone in my life and Bob. There is this one kid I live with who has been living two separate lives for some time now. He has been conning these two broads into falling in love with him for months. He hangs out with one on Friday, kicks her to the curb Saturday morning, and has the other over Saturday night. The guy is as hot as a pistol when it comes to the ladies, especially with Asians Hispanics half-breeds? minorities. Every time I see this guy pulling the double whammy on a weekend, I can’t help but think of Lone Star. Who knows, maybe someday he will end up just like Bob, living two lives and taking money from innocent southern folks.

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