Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Running Wilde - It's my thing [HaHas]

Running Wilde ended up on my DVR and I had no idea what it was or how it got there. Seeing as how surprise recordings are gifts from a higher being, I showed my appreciation by turning it on immediately.

Turns out this is a show with Will Arnett as Steven Wilde, an over the top, eccentric trust fund baby who hasn’t worked a day in his life (he’s the man). In what seems very Billy Madison-esque, he is ridiculously sheltered and knows nothing of the real world, even throwing a party in the episode just so he can give himself an award (His reasoning: “I wanted an award”). The man is nothing if not complex.

As pilots tend to do, we are introduced to all the supporting characters at some point during the episode. Let’s take a look at their funniest moments.

Emmy – Wilde’s love interest, she comes from the other side of the tracks, having grown up poor. She’s been living in South America with her daughter trying to protect the rain forest from God knows what. Her biggest laugh: Nothing. Hopefully she becomes the object of some jokes because as a female, she can never technically be funny on her own.

Puddle – Emmy’s child, she spends the episode trying to keep her mother from making them move back to South America. Biggest Laugh: After they decide to stay in the US, she exclaims, “Yay, I’ll go to the car to get my thing!” It’s a reference to how poor she is because she only has one thing, not things. You know what, forget it.

Mr. Lunt and Migo – Steve’s nanny and servant, these flamboyant gentlemen treat Steve like their own son. I know they were in plenty of scenes, I just don’t remember a single thing they did. Biggest Laugh: ?

Fa’ad – Steve’s equally eccentric neighbor, his relationship with Steve should be the moneymaker for this show. Biggest Laugh: Pretending to be a psychiatrist.

By my count, there are only two characters I liked, Steve and Fa’ad. Will I tune in next week? Yes. Does it have the potential to get old quickly? Yes. Will I tune in even if it gets old quickly? Yes. Do I have any standards when it comes to TV shows? I watched the entire episode of Chase last night, so you tell me.

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