Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Event - Showing the Love in Episode 2

You wanted answers? Boom, The Event answered more questions than I even knew I had.

Where did the plane go? Just outside Euma, Arizona (shoutouts to Papa Giorgio)
Who are the prisoners in Alaska? Aliens, who share 99% of our genetic code.
Where did the chick from Disturbia go to school? MIT.

I absolutely loved 2/3 of these but the fact that the Disturbia girl went to MIT almost made the show unwatchable for me. Come on, hot girls don’t like computers/math/physics. Everyone knows that. Also, every hot girl (with the exception of black chicks) knows how to swim. It just comes with the territory.

Outside of the MIT oversight, episode two was another step in the right direction. Having the Alaskan aliens kill every passenger from flight Miami to Euma and stacking their bodies in the desert was a nice touch. This is, essentially, a declaration of war and we haven’t had open war on our television screens since MASH (note: the previous statement is likely not true).

Two episodes in and I am loving The Event. I just feel full after watching it. They give answers but don’t give too much. Last week, I wrote about how Lost and The Event were very similar but I’ve changed my tune a little after week 2. I can’t remember a time when I was satisfied with Lost. I loved it but I never felt the love in return. With The Event, I already feel like I’m getting a little something back. Now, that could certainly change as we drift deeper into the show but I’m hoping it doesn’t. Bring on the Alien War.

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