Wednesday, September 22, 2010

House - Is Anyone Safe from GF Nonsense?

After tonight's episode, no. House is the smartest guy on TV, which by default means he is the single brightest mind in the world. The fact that he is susceptible to getting into a relationship speaks to the fallibility of males. I love House and would almost never question his judgment, but I cant let this decision slide. This is not a good idea and nothing good will ever come of it. If I blame anyone it's Wilson. When House told Wilson he was seeing Cuddy, he should have stopped worrying about the vicodin and more about this relationship nonsense. Anyways, here's what went down this week.

The episode started off with House and Cuddy holed up in House's apartment for the day. Now let's follow this story line for a little bit, shall we? They drank tea (awesome), played some Boggle-like word game (count me in), and looked for flights to France (Ciao!). Had enough? Yeah me too.

While House is was off having the time of his life, the hospital was dealing with the possible closing of its ER due to staff shortages. The hospital scenes allowed for a healthy dose of Dr. Chase. Now I cant say for sure, but I think he is turning into the best character on the show. Every bit of air time he got tonight he turned into gold. Whether he was trying to sell himself as a neurosurgeon or asking Thirteen if she wanted to have sex, he helps prove my point above. He was one of my least favorite characters while he was with Cameron, but now that hes single and mixing it up, hes been making serious strides.

I have this college relationship theory I'm going to loosely tie into this whole thing. When you're in school, you only have three to five hours of commitment each day, allowing yourself ten or so hours to do as you please. This is more than enough time to be in a relationship while also having a little time to yourself. Its the best of both worlds scenario, but it could also cover up some serious holes in your relationship. These holes won't come to light until you leave the ivory towers. When you join the work force, the ratio of commitment to free time is flipped on its head, and for a lot of relationships that's all she wrote. Free time becomes the minority and boom, relationships get the ax. Science tells me this happens at a 94% clip.

I think this is just as applicable to character air time in TV shows. If you're in a relationship on TV, it sucks up all your face time and leaves you no free time to be cool, funny, or enjoyable. That's why Chase's stock is at a three year high and House isn't looking as solid as usual. Make sense?

The episode ended with news that Thirteen left with no intention of going to treatment. The team has no idea where she went, so I guess we'll have to see how that works out for her terminal illness. That's all I got for this episode, I'll be back next week as long as my girlfriend doesn't have anything planned.

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