Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Glee Premier

Let me just start by saying that Glee is not a good television show. The singing/dancing is over-the-top corny and many of the characters are loathsome as hell. With that said, Monday’s premier was incredibly enjoyable.

The show starts off with a Jewish blogger interviewing various members of the glee club. When he gets to Glee director Will Schuster, Will tries to defend the Club’s song choices by saying:

"We have something for everyone. 25% Hip Hop, 25% show tunes…
The blogger interrupts him… "And 100% gay"

This slayed me and is typical of when Glee is at its best. Glee is the most insensitive show in the history of television and is amazing when it sticks to those core values. The premier did just that. The primary victims this week were the Asians. Tina (fat/goth Asian) broke up with wheelchair boy and is now dating Other Male Asian. Apparently, they met at "Asian Camp" where they teach tech-savy little Asians other basic life skills. There is also the new girl from the Philippines. She has a hello kitty backpack…enough said. Just to summarize, Asians only date other Asians, they love technology and hello kitty. C’mon Glee writers this episode is just prain lacist.

Before you say, "Well they made fun of Asians, big deal. I do that all the time" you should probably know that Glee did not stop there. They also have a retarded girl judge cheerleading tryouts. I’ll just come right out and say it, what does a retard know about cheerleading?

Oh, lest I forget, they have a gigantic she-male named Shannon Bieste (pronounced Beast) coaching the football team now and, guess what, she is accused of molesting a cheerleader. Didn’t see that coming.

I have no idea how Glee is getting away with this but it’s downright diabolical. Speaking of diabolical listen to this quote from Cheerleading Coach Sue Sylvester directed at a girl who recently got breast implants:

Sue – "Take your juicy, vine-ripened chest fruit and get the hell out of my office."

Love it! Take an issue (teenager insecurity) and deal with it as sloppily as possible.

Don’t ever change Glee. Don't ever change

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