Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Event - NBC ups the ante, blows Lost out of the Water

Free word association: rattlesnakes, razorblades, engine pistons, hungry lions, volcanoes, bikinis. Do I have your attention…Good because I watched The Event on NBC last night and it was delightful.

Clearly, whoever writes this show is a genius. They essentially took all the main components of Lost (islands, planes, "Others", Magics, jumping around in time) and repackaged them into a new show. Apparently, NBC adheres to the mantra "If it aint broke, don’t fix it" and I couldn’t agree more although they did make a few key changes which should make The Event about 100 times better than Lost.

Thing 1: They changed the location of the others from an island to a mountain in Alaska. Smart! Now they can incorporate polar bears into the story and no one will bat an eyelash.

Thing 2: It seems the main character (guy who loses the girl from Disturbia on the cruise ship) is much younger than Jack, Sawyer, Locke, etc. Young is sexy (Hi Miley!). No wrinkles for me thanks.

Thing 3: Women-folk in bikinis. Despite being on an Island, I never saw Kate in a bikini but I saw several bikini shots of attractive girls during The Event premier. NBC has done their research. People love bikinis…it’s science.

Thing 4: The main asian (guy who drives SUV next to plane) speaks English right from the get go. Unlike with Jin, we won’t have to waste valuable time listening to him speak Korean and then butcher the English language for a few seasons.

Thing 5: The president of the United States is an immigrant from Cuba, or at least I thought that’s what guy-in-meeting said. I’m not big on politics or book-learning but I’m pretty sure immigrants can’t be president. Maybe this is a clue that they are in an alternative universe where the United States doesn’t have an embargo against Cuba and Elian Gonzalez never floated onto the shores of Miami. The questions are already piling up.

I think I’ve made my point but let me summarize: The Event will be approximately 100-200 times better than Lost. NBC you’ve done it again.

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