Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Survivor - Are you gay? [RealLife]

This week on Survivor people from both tribes lost it a little bit. The episode started in the senior center with Jimmy Johnson running the daily morning meeting. Let me just say, the only way you can dislike JJ is if you hate your own life.....and cue Jimmy T. The guy is such a goddamn curmudgeon. You were dealt a bad hand man, get over it. I thought for sure he would be the one to snap, but it turns out one of the women decided they'd go Russell Hantz on the tribe and ruin another castaway's possessions. Holly, a swimming coach or some shit, let us know she wont be around too much longer because she's bat shit crazy. She threw one of the guy's shoes into the ocean, apologized, wanted to leave, got talked back into the game by Coach, all culminating in being happy again. I thought old people didn't menstruate?

Meanwhile the young bucks were offended we said Glee was the most insensitive show on the air and decided to shut us up. First it was Sash, who decided the minorities should stick together and immediately tried to align with Naonka and Brenda. This guy claims he's half black, in which case I respond I am part Navajo. Your move Sash. Naonka, following suit, stole someone's personal belongings (socks) and managed to proclaim her hatred for both Fabio and Kelly hop-a-long. These people have been out here less than a week.

The immunity challenge saw the oldies beat the newbies with the help of the medallion of power. I don't think I like this new wrinkle and here's why. It gives the teams too easy an excuse for why they lost. They can all blame the medallion instead of each other. Where's the fun in that? Then again, maybe they upped the bat shit crazy level this season as a counterbalance, because tribal council was fantastic.

Shannon, the resident redneck, felt his five day ring of trust had betrayed him and he was gon' speak his mind. Man did he bring it. Out of nowhere he comes with the line of the night, good enough for title material. As soon as they got there he inquired about Sash's personal life:

"I'm just gonna come out and say it...Are you gay?"

Some may find this brash or offensive, but I don't, especially since he's probably right. And as for his assumption about a lot of gays living in New on. I live here and its fierce. After the vote, it was no surprise he was sent packing. Slater.

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