Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Seinfeld - TBS really does know funny (UPDATE)

(UPDATE: I've been inundated with emails, apparently Seinfeld was an extremely popular show in the 1990's and has been off the air for some time. I'll keep this summary up, but do not expect any further episode summaries of this show.)

I was sitting on the couch recently and noticed the television in front of me was playing an episode of a show called Seinfeld. It must have been a new one, as I had not seen it. This episode was filled with a number of ironic and comical situations which made it enjoyable to watch.

1. The female character, Elaine, has a female friend who is a physical therapist. Elaine introduces George, the goofy, balding, fat character to the physical therapist. George volunteers that he has been having some pain in his joint and asks that she take a look at it. The therapist says of course, here is my business card why don’t you schedule an appointment for next week. Then she leaves. George immediately becomes upset because all these doctor types insist on being treated as “delicate geniuses” who can’t be asked to perform their craft outside the confines of their cushy office. I’ll tell you, this had me laughing.

2. Jerry Seinfeld is the main character in the show, and this episode has him going to his grandmother’s house to open a bottle of ketchup for her. When Jerry gets there, his uncle Leo has been called to open the ketchup as well. Jerry and Leo fight over who should open the Ketchup, with Jerry eventually submitting to Leo. Hilarious. Then things get interesting: Jerry’s grandmother then says to Leo: “Did you ever give your sister that $50 you owe her from the track?” This sparks Jerry’s interest, as Leo’s sister is his mother. Jerry asks his grandmother for details and she says Jerry’s grandfather won $1,000 at the track, gave $100 to Leo with instructions to give $50 to his sister. Leo dismisses the claim, saying this was 50 years ago. Jerry, with his sharp Jewish mind, is not fooled. He calls his mother to tell her what he heard. Jerry’s father then spends the rest of the episode calculating how much interest his wife is owed on the $50 dollars, when calculated over a 53 year period. How funny is that. Uncle Leo, now worried Jerry and his parents are onto him, puts his mother into a home. Jerry sees right through this, and goes to the home to visit his grandmother. While there he meets an old friend of his father, who happened to be at the horse track the day his father won the $1,000. Leo shows up, and is immediately busted.

3. Not to be outdone, Jerry’s wiry, energetic neighbour Cosmo Kramer has some true moments of comedy during this episode as well. Kramer, as his is called, gets the idea to post pictures in the Lobby of everyone in his and Jerry’s apartment building. This way, everyone can say hello to each other, call their neighbours by name, and be friendly. Jerry is 100% against this, as he has recently decided to stop allowing people to kiss him hello (such as the physical therapist from the first scene) and doesn’t want to talk to his neighbours anyway. Kramer proceeds with the idea anyway, and now Jerry is stuck in his Lobby talking to his neighbours all day and getting kissed hello. Pure comedy. Eventually, he stands up to the kiss hello, telling two of his neighbours he will no longer be doing it, and asking that they stop. They are not happy. Next scene, Jerry is in the lobby getting shunned by all his neighbours as he desperately tries to get back in their good graces. The episode ends with a neighbour closing the elevator door on him as Jerry runs to catch it.

This episode showed me just how absolutely hilarious Jerry and his friends can be, and I will be tuning in to TBS all season as they air new episodes. I recommend you do the same.

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