Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chuck - How does it do it? Show reinvents itself by changing nothing.

Ill words will never be spoken about Chuck in this section of the internet. What bad is there to say when you can pencil in forty minutes of entertainment every week? Like the godfather of this genre, Las Vegas, Chuck doesn’t take itself seriously, and for some people this makes it unenjoyable. I say the opposite. Mercy and Trauma both tried going serious and then boom, see ya never. There is something to be said for a person or program that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Chuck has that quality and its down right endearing.

Now that we agree with the premise that Chuck never disappoints, the season premiere did not disappoint. There are a few things that stand out; first being new blood. Nothing breathes new life into a show more than new characters, and I don’t think Chuck could have made a better decision. Olivia Munn of G4’s Attack of the Show is the newest CIA/Nerd Herder amalgam. I put her just ahead of Hannah and Lester as far as good looking nerd herders go and light years above Anna. I don’t know how long she’ll be on the show, but I have a good feeling about her and I’m buoyant on her contributions going forward.

Next point of emphasis: Stereotypes. I love that the show has set stereotypes which bend, but never break. John Casey loves guns. We all know this, yet it always brings me joy when I see him in complete nirvana while he unloads on insurgents. Same goes for everyone else. They all have shticks and do them well. I eat at the same places all the time because I like the food. I hang out with the same people every weekend because I enjoy their company. Why should TV be any different? Chuck is just a TV show trying to bro out. Sure, the show has introduced new sides to its characters over the course of the series, but they have done it in such a great, anti-Heroes way that I actually don’t mind it. The show still knows which side its bread is buttered.

In case I missed something, here is the full recap of the first episode; airplanes, gun fights, computers, CIA, the Buy More, sexting.

All in all, the first episode of the season is tied for best episode in TV history with every other Chuck episode. I credit the writers, job well done. Hey LOST fans, I heard you were in the market for a new show with mystery? What is up with Chuck’s super agent Mom? I don’t know either.

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